Tag Archives: cdn

Setup WordPress CDN with Dediserve

My blog is running on a blazing fast Litespeed-powered server which is located in London, but because most of my visitors are from the US (check out this cool infographic!), I always wanted to setup CDN to speed things up for them too. A CDN can offer tremendous WordPress performance improvements and by utilizing the W3 Total Cache plugin you optimize WordPress from it’s core.
Since there wasn’t any related documentation available, Dediserve was very kind to offer me a free first month on their CDN service to test things out.

What is a CDN

A CDN is a global network of caching servers and smart DNS routing that delivers your content and media to your users from the closest possible location. The result is the fastest possible load times, better Google rankings and less load on your servers!
When US visitors view my blog, images are served from the UK, making it a long way from the visitor to the server. By implementing a CDN, edge servers located all around the world serve those images from the nearest location to the visitor. Dediserve is running on the OnApp CDN engine, and has over 60 locations all around the world at the time of writing.
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