Tag Archives: apple

iOS 5.0.1 beta fixes battery issue

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/#!/iMZDL/status/132175470253973504″]

In a previous post I mentioned that after installing the GM (i.e. final) version of iOS 5, I’ve seen my battery life percentage drop below 20% in a matter of a few hours. Now after upgrading to beta 1 on Thursday and beta 2 yesterday, and I can confirm that the battery issue is now fixed 🙂
My iPhone 4 now easily goes over 24+ hours after a full charge with everything enabled! (3G, WiFi, Location services etc.)

How To: Use the Apple Magic Mouse on your Windows PC


Back in October 2009, Apple released the Magic Mouse, the first pointing device with a multi-touch surface. Like with the iPod or the iPhone, you interact with the device using gestures. And of course like with any other mouse, you can click it: The mouse itself is the button!

The Magic Mouse

I bought the Magic Mouse from the London Apple Store during a quick trip there and because my previous mouse was a Logitech MX518, when I first started using the Magic Mouse I got a little bit disappointed by the lack of precision when trying to do some very detailed work. Getting it to work with Windows 7 is not that difficult, all you have to do is follow the simple steps of this how-to.

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